Bouquet - There is, of course, a sentimental attachment to your bouquet – not to mention the fact that it may be the most expensive floral arrangement you ever hold in your hand. Many of our brides are convinced by family and friends (usually an aging aunt!) to dry their favorite bloom from the bouquet - but once the bloom is dry, they have no idea what to do with it! With a little creativity, you can create a series of framed art pieces using the petals of multiple flowers in your bouquet. Lay the cut blossoms between newsprint, and put between the pages of a heavy book (phone books work perfectly!) for 10-12 days. Use tweezers to transfer the flowers to card stock and arrange! Secure the flowers with a drop of glue on the underside.
Photos - We can not stress how important photography is – we also can not stress how FUN a photobooth is! The pictures that result from the photobooth are always our favorite because they are not staged or forced – they are glimpses into the joy shared by family and friends on your special day. Many couples will put the strips in scrapbooks that will sit on the shelf for years – why not frame them so you can have a visual reminder of the fun and excitement of the day. Arrange strips and secure with double-stick tape.
With both projects, you have an opportunity to show your creative side and express the fun and whimsy that went into your amazing day!